This Sailorsenshi
RPG Webring site owned by Miraino
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Members' Pages
This just links
to pages that are owned by the members of this RPG. Yay!
Productions - a page that has just been created. When will we
update? That's the KIK part! NO one knows! Yay! Co-owned by Kimyou,
Jun and Kirei
Jewel Senshi RPG - A swanky RPG that's up and running!. Owned
by Shigai
Portrait of an Unknown Senshi
- Everyone knows this site! :D It's owned by Etoile, the mun of our resident purple-haired Starlight, Sailorstarmaker/Utano Kou!
RPG - a sweet arse RPG that takes place in Spain during the
Inquisition! It has Vampires, Nocturim, and other mythical creatures!
Get this: The Nocturim (divine vampires) are the good guys, and
humans are evil! Owned by Jun
RPG - have you noticed that a lot of our members have
RPGs? I have. This one's owned by Kimyou. ^.^ And you should join it now! >.< NOW I TELL YOU!
Mind of the Duckshooter - A kawaii personal site owned by Ryuusei/Starhealer.
Otherwise known as Gemiko. ^.^
RPG de Freak - A kickass reference site by our resident Freak. *hehe* She plays Genzou/Zoisite. :D
Paradeiose Senshi RPG - Another kickarse RPG. ^_^ A few of the people in SMA are also in this one! Owned by Ai-chan. ^.^
Legends of Avery RPG - Waii! So many RPGs! o.O;; This one's really cool! You can be a birdy-type person. :D Or an evil insect! >D
Death of Ashes RPG - An original RPG that isn't owned by any members, but deserves mention here. ^.^